In recent years, the accelerated process of forest deforestation and land degradation have caused a significant decrease in flora and fauna, causing the detriment of biodiversity and ecosystem services on which many communities. We know and understand that restoration must be understood as a long-term process, which seeks to recover as much as possible all the attributes that the ecosystem has lost during years of human activities and practices. Thus, the establishment of areas subject to revegetation, the conservation of water treatment and the protection of water bodies, represent our commitment to guarantee natural balance and ecosystem services of the mining sector in the Western Boyacá, the most important in the emerald exploration and extraction industry in the world as well as the most productive in Colombia.
Garden Center The garden center plays a fundamental role in reforestation activities, being the main provider of plants to meet the requirements of forest plantations. In addition to supplying the company’s own needs, we are an “Open Doors Nursery”, becoming the first strategic ally of communities and local authorities when requiring forest individuals to revegetate.
The Regional Natural Park is the closest protected area to the mine and comprises a set of ecosystems that are home to a large number of species of fauna and flora, which is why it is considered an environmental sanctuary in Western Boyaca. Likewise, consolidating alliances with external organizations is one of the strategies that enhance our scope as an environmentally sustainable company. At the end of 2021, we donated 4,050 individuals of endangered endemic species (Abarco de Rio, Caoba, Cámbulo and Caracolí), which were planted in one of the Natural Park properties with help of Corpoboyacá and the MasBosques organization.