Esmeraldas Mining Services

The Muzo Companies Colombia

The Muzo Companies Colombia

The business group of The Muzo Companies Colombia is formed by five national operating companies and one international enterprise. Together they cover, from beginning to end, the value chain of emeralds of high quality and value. Here, we introduce the companies belonging The MUZO group.

Group of companies made up of five national operating companies and one international. Together they cover the value chain of high-quality emeralds from start to finish, thanks to the Mine to Market business model.

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Owner of the mining titles. Company to which the National Mining Agency (ANM) granted the mining titles for the exploration and exploitation of the emerald productive subsoil, between the villages of Sábripa, in the municipality of Muzo, and the villages of Mata de Fique and Note in the municipality of Quípama, in Western Boyaca. As the holder of the mining concessions, it is the owner of the extracted emeralds and it’s in charge of the valuation and payment of the State royalties.

Emerald transformation workshop. This company is in charge of transforming the best emeralds worldwide in a sustainable process, with the highest quality standards, integrating state-of-the-art technology, innovation, procedures of standardization and management. Established since 2009 initially as Colombian Texas Transformadora (CTT), and as of November 2017 called Esmeraldas de los Andes (EDLA).

Colombian shared services

Support services for operations. Company in charge of providing shared services for all The Muzo Companies Colombia, carrying out key processes such as Purchasing, Finance, Human Resources, Sustainability, Communications, IT, HSE, among others.

Furatena cacao

Purchase and marketing of cocoa. Furatena Cacao has managed to establish itself as the main buyer and exporter of cocoa, achieving record export figures in recent years and benefiting more than a thousand families in the process thanks to the provision of socio-business assistance services to cocoa organizations from the West of Boyacá.

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Fundación Muzo

Our commitment to communities. Their mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities where we operate, as well as to work in alliance with different organizations to bring shared value projects to the municipalities of Muzo and Quípama, in the Western Boyaca.


Muzo Emerald Colombia

Global Sales and Marketing. It is our brand abroad and holds sales houses in large cities such as Geneva and New York.